Breath Analyzers

piCO - Smokerlyzer
Carbon Monoxide Monitor to Stop Smoking
Bedfont Scientific Ltd., UK
Low cost and visually motivational, the piCO™ Smokerlyzer® carbon monoxide breath test monitor is a leader in a new generation of breath CO monitors. With a brand new easy to use interface, SteriTouch® technology and the motivational traffic light system, the piCO™ Smokerlyzer® breath CO monitor is ideal for all stop smoking services, GPs, schools, pharmacies and health visitors.
NObreath - FeNO Monitor
for the Diagnosis & Management of Asthma
Bedfont Scientific Ltd., UK
Fractional exhaled Nitric Oxide (FeNO) monitor can be used to measure airway inflammation for the management and diagnosis of asthma. Approved by FDA, recommended by NICE and conformed to ATS & ERS guidelines, the NObreath® makes FeNO monitoring quick, and easy plus it is completely non-invasive, with the ability to monitor airway inflammation in both adult and child patients. Furthermore, the ambient monitoring mode enables you to check ambient levels of NO.

Hydrogen & Methane breath test monitors to detect gastrointestinal disorders
Bedfont Scientific Ltd., UK
Hydrogen and Methane breath testing (HMBT) helps gastroenterologists and dietitians to investigate gut function and detect gastrointestinal disorders such as lactose intolerance, IBS, SIBO and more.
When the food is digested, it releases Hydrogen and/or Methane, which can be measure non-invasively through the breath. It is estimated that 33-41% population produces methane. Based on the levels of the gases, doctors can determine what might be affecting the stomach.